Row of parked semi-trucks in black and white
Logo featuring crossed engine pistons with text 'Roadworthy Mechanical Autogo' in a circular design.

Our Services

Certificates of Inspection:

Top view of a white car on an asphalt road with lane markings

Certificate of Inspection (CL) 


For light vehicles (up to 4.5 tonne GVM) requiring a COI for booked hire, rental, taxis, limousines, or special purpose limousines.

Three large trucks parked on roadside with trees in background

Certificate of Inspection (HV) 


For registered heavy vehicles over 4.5 tonne GVM up to 16.0 tonne GVM (excluding registered buses and licensed tow trucks), unregistered vehicles over 4.5 tonne GVM, and unregistered buses with over 12 seats.

Three semi-truck trailers parked at a loading dock

Certificate of Inspection (HT) 


For registered heavy trailers over 4.5 tonne up to 10.0 tonne ATM and any unregistered trailer over 4.5 tonne ATM.

Safety Certificates:

Black and white image of parked cars, side view in a parking lot, arranged closely side by side.

Safety Certificate (LV) 


For light vehicles up to 4.5 tonne GVM.

empty flatbed trailers parked in a row

 Safety Certificate (LT) 


For light trailers over 0.75 tonne up to 4.5 tonne ATM.

Other Assessments and Clearances:

Aerial view of parked trailers at a lot

Heavy Vehicle Registration Assessment Scheme (HVRAS) Accreditation


Close-up of engine parts including gears and pulleys with a belt.

 AIS Defect Clearances (Light Vehicles)


For light vehicles.

Dashboard with speedometer and warning lights, including check engine, battery, and oil indicators.

 AIS Defect Clearances (Heavy Vehicles)


For heavy vehicles.

our company

With a commitment to efficiency, accuracy, and exceptional service, we ensure your vehicle meets safety and compliance standards with ease. Contact us today for a hassle-free inspection experience!

Black and white image of parked semi-trucks in a lot with cloudy sky background.

Contact Us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!